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PNV AT2022qpg in M31
2022/08/04.952 - Flux: 16.6 STMag
Type EGN (Recurrent nova)
Discovery Image
Discovery date: 2022-08-04 22:53:31.776

Reference Image
Last non-detection date: 2022-07-31 22:46:22

00h44m20s79 +41°23'11".10

TNS - Discovery certificate for object 2022qpg
TNS Astronomical Transient Report No. 154172
Date Received (UTC): 2022-08-05 07:14:22
IAU Designation: AT 2022qpg
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 00:44:20.790 (11.086625) DEC = +41:23:11.10 (41.386417)
Discovery date: 2022-08-04 22:53:31.776 (JD=2459796.45384)
Potential host galaxy: M31

Remarks: OMB extragalactic nova monitoring by ISSP collaboration, R.Belligoli, F.Castellani, C.Marangoni, report the discovery of a probable nova in M31. Offset 1091E 425N
Remarks: New transient was clearly detected on '2022-08-04 22:51:02.390' UT using 24x300s frames (7200s total) obtained by a Moravian G4-9000 KAF unfiltered CCD with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope from Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" Astronomic Observatory, località Novezzina, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy. The discovery magnitude is 16.6±0.5 mag in the CV band (clear visual). Offset 1091E 425N We will continue to monitor the PNV light curve and strongly encourage additional follow-up observations.
Remarks: Last non-detected image on '2022-07-31 22:46:22' UT using 24x300s frames (7200s total) was obtained by a Moravian G4-9000 KAF unfiltered CCD with the 0.4m f.8 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope from Monte Baldo "A.Gelodi" Astronomic Observatory, località Novezzina, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy. (Latitudine 45° 41' 52" N. Longitudine 10° 51' 32" E)

CBAT - PNV J00442079+4123111
PNV J00442079+4123111   2022 08 04.9521*  00 44 20.79 +41 23 11.1  17.6 U 1091E 425N  M31       9 1

  • It should be noted that in the same position a optical transient TSS J004420.7 + 412311 was reported ATel #627; R. Quimby, M. Sellers, P. Hoeflich, J. C. Wheeler (University of Texas), and C. Gerardy (Imperial College) on 12 Oct 2005; 19:30 UT. https://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=627

  • Claudio Balcon (Belluno A.O. ISSP) I obtained the low-resolution spectrum R~100 using the FOSC-ES32 spectrograph attached to a 0.2m telescope, in the course of Italian Supernovae Search Project. See more...

  • [vsnet-alert 26902] PNV J00442079+4123111: new eruption of M31N 2005-10a

  • Flavio Castellani We report multiband photometry of Nova AT2022qpg on 2022-08-05.930556 (UT) obtained with the RC 40CM telescope of Monte Baldo Observatory (ITALY). CCD used following integration: V 1980s R 660s I 660s:
    Timestamp (JD)     Filter    Magnitude  Err. 2459797.433            Ic       15.908       0.1 / 2459797.433            Rc      16.372      0.13 / 2459797.433            Vj      17.035       0.05

  • TNS System (WIS) Object coordinates updated according to AT-report 154406 of Group ZTF
    Previous RA, DEC: 00:44:20.790, +41:23:11.10 (11.086625, +41.386417)
    Updated RA, DEC: 00:44:20.789, +41:23:10.86 (11.0866227, 41.3863508)

Latitudine 45° 41' 52" N. Longitudine 10° 51' 32" E. - 45.697536,10.858943 Quota 1208 m.
Osservatorio Astronomico Monte Baldo "Angelo Gelodi"
Località Novezzina - 37020 Ferrara di Monte Baldo - Verona - Italia
email: info@osservatoriomontebaldo.it - telefono 334-9299859
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