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PNV AT2022abzg in M31
2023/02/07.753 - Flux: 18.0 STMag
Type Nova Re-brightening  (Recurrent nova)
Discovery Image
Discovery date: 2023-02-07 18:04:21

Reference Image
Last non-detection date: 2023-02-04 17:46:26

00h42m37s90 +41°12'49".90

TNS - Discovery certificate for object 2022abzg
Date Received (UTC): 2022-11-29 15:43:52
Sender: Mr. Mi Zhang
Reporting Group: XOSS     Discovery Data Source: XOSS

Mi Zhang, Leiming Tang, Jingyuan Zhao, Yuqing Ren, Jianlin Xu, Wenjie Zhou, Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Xing Gao and the PSP team report/s the discovery of a new astronomical transient.
IAU Designation: AT 2022abzg
Discoverer internal name: XM90MZ
Coordinates (J2000): RA = 00:42:37.880 (10.657833) DEC = +41:12:49.10 (41.213639)
Discovery date: 2022-11-01 14:54:45.504 (JD=2459885.12136)
Potential host galaxy: M31
Remarks: Nova candidate or known VS classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm90mz.html

CBAT - PNV J00423790+4112499
PNV J00423790+4112499   2023 02 07.7537*  00 42 37.90 +41 12 49.9  18.0 U   69W 196S  M31       9 0
Flavio Castellani report the observation by F.Castellani, R.Belligoli, V.Andreoli of a PNV (Mag.18.0R +-0.3 - USNOB1 catalogue) in the host galaxy M31 at Monte Baldo Observatory, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Verona, Italy (A99), in the course of Italian Supernovae Search Project using a 0.40m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope (+ Moravian G4-9000 KAF CCD unfiltered CCD camera). No stellar source is visible at the position of the transient in our past images including reference image dated 04 february 2022. Transient appear 0.7" from the position of AT 2022abzg discovered 2022/11/01.621 by Xingming Observatory Sky Survey (XOSS). Verifing the position using an image by K. Hornoch, scaled and superimposed on our image, the position appear to be the same.

Latitudine 45° 41' 52" N. Longitudine 10° 51' 32" E. - 45.697536,10.858943 Quota 1208 m.
Osservatorio Astronomico Monte Baldo "Angelo Gelodi"
Località Novezzina - 37020 Ferrara di Monte Baldo - Verona - Italia
email: info@osservatoriomontebaldo.it - telefono 334-9299859
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